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    ElectronicAsia 2014 Booth No.:5G-C40
    author:admin   addtime:2014-09-30T15:02:57   hits:10282


                               ElectronicAsia 2014


    Date: 13-16/10/2014

    Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

    We treasure every opportunity to meet with you,our valued customer.

    This October,we will be exhibiting at the electronicAsia 2013.

    We cordially invite you to visit our booth.

    Our booth number is: 5G-C40


       Dates                       Fair Opening Hours              Buyer Registration Hours

    13-15/10/2014             9:30am - 6:30pm                   9:00am - 6:00pm

    16/10/2014                  9:30am - 5:00pm                   9:00am - 3:30pm

    Act now for FREE admission. Register at http://electronicasia.com/r/1

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